Company registration in the USA
July 30, 2019
Company registration in the USA
Find out how to register your company in the USA, the most popular way of starting a business in India. Get to know the private limited company registration procedure.
A non-resident has to follow all the steps as a resident to set up a new US business entity, with some additional steps. Failure to comply, leads to penalties, fines or even worse than that.
USA Incorporation
Why should one go for US Business Incorporation?
Incorporating a company in the United States market can be both rewarding and advantageous for many foreign-based businesses. As U.S. citizenship and residency are not mandatory, many people from across the world are free to start or grow and expand their business in the United States without even having to step into the country.
Compared to other US States, Delaware has a great number of company incorporations. Delaware, which is a small Mid-Atlantic U.S. state is the host for favourable business and taxation laws that make it a very commonplace for companies to incorporate or form their Limited liability company (LLC). Delaware has no state sales tax and moreover, the state’s franchise tax for small businesses is very low. There is no requirement for non-residents to pay individual income taxes in Delaware.
Extremely business-friendly laws.
Delaware is a tax haven and does not collect taxes from companies that do not operate within that state.
The business incorporation process is extremely fast in Delaware.
There is no necessity for publicly disclosing the names of directors and shareholders of the company.
Company Name
Business Type
Registered business address
Registered Agent: (Y/N) (This is provided for, if you have another address, please mention)
Name of business partner(s)
Addresses of business partner(s)
Ownership: (%)
Name Check & Approval
Preparation & Filing of Article of Association
Registered agent service (One year)
Issuance of Certificate of Association
Employer Identification Number (EIN)
FAQs on USA Incorporation
1. Can my company hold its headquarters outside Delaware?
2. Do I need a Corporate Seal?
3. Do I need an attorney or an auditor to incorporate my Company?
4. What type of entity can it be?
5. Who is a registered agent?
6. What are the main difference between an LLC and an S corporation?
Advantages of LLC and C Corp
2.C Corp
Limited liability
Pass-through taxes
Perpetual existence
No residency requirement
Enhanced credibility
Legal protection
Unlimited growth potential
Tax planning opportunities
Certain tax advantages
Free transferability of shares
No shareholders limit
Corporations provide multiple tax planning opportunities
Difference between LLC and C Corp
2.C Corp
Members are the owners here
Shareholders indicate owners
Suitable for smaller businesses with few shareholders
Suitable for medium-size to large businesses with multiple shareholders
Members can set up the structure as they choose and manage
Shareholders elect directors who manage business movements
Members are not held liable in an LLC
Shareholders are not held liable in a C corp
Transferability will depend on restrictions planned in the operating agreement
Transferability of shares of stock are easily transferred
Generally, investors from outside don’t prefer LLC because they are technically run almost as partnerships
C corp is usually preferred by outside investors, because they have stock, which they expect to distribute among shareholders